
Office of The Accountant General (A & E)


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AG(AE) - Wanting Details on GPF Monthly Accounts

Telangana wanting Schedule Andhra Pradesh wanting Schedule
13  14  15       19  20  21 01  02  03       07  08  09     22  27
16  17  18       25 04  05  06       10  11  12

Select the two digit district code to know the discrepancies in booked figures, Wanting Schedules / vouchers, information of wrong account number and misclassified items under AG GPF both Credit and Debit.


Instructions for Searching on the Web page:

1. On the menu bar click Edit, then click Find. Or Press Ctrl+ f to go to Search page directly.

2. The List is sorted on DDO

3. a). "ANS DB Diff": This is discrepancy in SA booked figure, check the DB Figure and provide reconciliation information. b). "UP CRS": provide the correct GPF account number. c). "FORN DRS" : Misclassified items, verify with DDO and if Required propose AMs. Else provide the details of the subscriber. d). "FORN DRS": Misclassified items, verify with DDO and if required propose AMs. Else provide the details of the subscriber. e). "FULL WANT" and "PART WANT": provide copies of schedules/ vouchers.

4.Collect the information from DDO, if required and send to this office by post or by E-mail to agaptsgpf@gmail.com.